About Me

Well, here i am!...I am finally launching out of the comfort zone and into a small business venture!

 The story of my love for beautiful writing began in sixth grade when I was required by the nuns to use precise cursive lettering (in two colors of ink for the q's and a's). Then, in high school, I was introduced to Calligraphy, the art form. A lengthy unit of mastering the Italic and Old English texts and a hand-bound book of verse became my favorite art endeavor ever! Many thanks to Mr.Garnhart {and his patience with a left-handed calligrapher}!

At Carlow College, I majored in Art/ Art Education/Special Education, and since then, have been actively teaching, mostly at a little Christian school in Western Pennsylvania. But between college and teaching, I have married a GREAT (!) man, and together we have been devoted to raising eight precious children. This has truly been my life's work! And now...grandchildren!

Truly, calligraphy projects have always been gratifying along life's way. While I have always loved, collected, and imitated fun lettering styles, even given calligraphic gifts to my friends and family and lettered a few hundred envelopes for sweet brides- to- be, I have not focused much time or energy to developing this hobby into anything seriously more than a hobby. Until now... I feel that it is time to "launch out" into the deep! I feel that it's time to become an entrepreneur and use the talent God has given to bless others.

 My other interests include designing Scriptural art, playing Scrabble, reading, visiting historic places,trying new recipes, nutrition, walking,and healthy living. I love a good adventure!
